My Freelancer’s efficient system helps you get hired by reputed clients who deliver relevant projects with suitable briefs with emphasis on your specialties.
My Freelancer’s efficiency
Strategic Exposure
Simplified Control
Efficient Workflow
Buyer will provide will all his requirements like work, budget and, our ai tool will make a brief from provided data, which will help understand freelancer what kind of expectations a buyer has regarding their project.
Every brief is then matched with the freelancer’s profile by skill, pricing, and field of expertise. If you are a good match, you will receive a brief, consider creating a great offer to help you stand out.
The “Briefs” section of the site can be opened from the “Your matches״ tab at the top of the web page. You may receive the brief in the following ways:
The “Briefs” option under “Your Matches”
Check the request and if you are interested to get that project then click on “Create an Offer” or else click on “Not Interested”. If you have questions, doubts or need some more information, click on the button ‘Ask Questions.’ If you don’t create an offer after receiving a brief, it will not impact on your seller ratings.
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